Keluarga Saudi selama ini mengklaim diri mereka sebagai “Pelayan
Haramain”, tetapi kenyataan yang benar adalah mereka budak zionis.
Sejak awal Saudi Wahabia berkomplot mendukung dan rela zionis menduduki
Sumpah setia mereka kepada zionis dinyatakan dalam sebuah dokumen yang 
ditandatangani sendiri oleh Ibnu Saud.
Dalam dokumen tersebut juga tersirat adanya kesepakatan sebelumnya
bahwa Saudi Wahabia akan dijamin tetap berkuasa asal Palestina
diberikan kepada kaum Zionis. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh pernyataan Ibnu
Saud: “I…..also believe that Britain does not leave its view even tip”,
yang maksudnya kurang lebih “Saya juga meyakini bahwa Inggris tidak
akan bergeser dari pandangannya walau seujung jari pun”.

Saudi Arabia and Zionists, Brothers until victory or death
Book on workshops Daily: Saudi Arabia and the Zionist Brothers until victory or 
Its published manuscripts of the book had been prepared and
researcher of Israeli anti-racist Zionist Professor Israel Shahak, the
manuscript written in Hebrew, the colleague Yitzhak Sarai translated
into Arabic and disseminating the disposal (because he did not
complete) on a daily workshops.

In the book shows the late thinker, the critical role played by Britain
in creating racial entity in Saudi Arabia and his brother Talmud in

The document was signed by Ibn Saud of the French pledge to give
Palestine to the Jews (“I’m the Sultan Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al
Saud al-Faisal acknowledged and admitted to Sir Percy Cox delegate of
Great Britain, I have no objection to give Palestine to the Jews or
other poor also believe that Britain does not leave its view even tip”)
Ibn Saud had served head of the Zionist state and dreaming for this moment in 
the future.

Picture of Ibn Saud gathering and King Faisal of Iraq and leaders of the 
Zionist Organization on board Lauren in 1949.

A Zionist Engineer built the first palaces in Saudi Arabia and Ibn
Saud  did not even send blankets and food to displaced Palestinians.

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