Some tens ago, the dollar was dropping against the value. An English adviser 
was telling me that it was right to invst in dollar.. Then.. I asked him what 
if the dollar collapsed tomorrow and USA declares itself as bankrupt. country. 
He didn't have an answer..

I am not a professional in economy nor a magician to predict the right future 
events  at that time, but I had the feeling that USA is the biggest thief in 
the world ( now I have to correct it to / or add to it the  Bank of England).. 

The idea is simple.. Live on the expenses of all the nations of the world, then 
announce at a stage that you face troubles.. and depending on the robbery size 
which makes these Ellette professionals think: Is it the right time to announce 
bankruptcy ?.. Of course as a nuclear super power, no one will risk his life to 
ask USA to give his money back..  And "crisis" is a good masking cover for the 
robbery now.


Xi says: 

It sounds like a way to do not pay back the US debt.

But it would work just half the way.

People should get rid of US dollars and any asset that pays back in US
dollars, such as US treasuries, corporate bonds denominated in US
dollars, stocks, etc. It is not only that Federal  and local
governments will have to burn US citizens with taxes. It is also, and
mostly, that US dollar will collapse unless IMF or another
international financial institution buys the Fed .

But I disagree on its time scope. In my opinion that will not happen
so dramatically within one or two years. It will be a decline, then a
second wave in 2010 or 2011, higher than the 2008 one. Maybe even a
third wave one or two years later, higher than the second one, just
posible, not for sure. And finally its collapse.

Options for investments? In my opinion none but commodities. And yes,
if those commodities are abroad much safer. And nothing better than

The risk of "corralito" is high. But time scope counts. In my opinion,
that debacle will not happen within one or two years.

Peace and best wishes.


On Apr 17, 7:31 am, "Sumerian.." <> wrote:
Although this article is dedicated for US people /market, but it gives
idea about the volatile global situation, which is happening as
consequences of the biggest robbery in history where the Bank of
England and its derivative the US Federal Reserves, robbed not only the
wealth of many nations, but of their own citizens as well.
> S1000+


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