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Wife and lover attacked after explicit text


                December 10, 2009, 3:33 pm


A Westport man has narrowly avoided jail for assaulting his wife and
her lover after he intercepted an explicit text message that also
described him as a "dumbo".

Alfred "Rangi" Hicks, 47, a mine
manager, and his son Jared Hicks, 20, were convicted of five charges in
Westport District Court today.

They had admitted entering a
building with a hockey stick, damaging a BMW, assaulting Linda Hicks
and Murray Morgan, and intending to injure Mr Morgan.

lawyer Doug Taffs said Mr Morgan and Mrs Hicks were having an affair.
Mr Morgan had sent a provocative text to Mrs Hicks the day of the
attack, which Rangi Hicks had intercepted. The text was "extremely
explicit" and described Rangi Hicks as "dumbo".

Mr Taffs said the message was "jarring and one could imagine how that could 
have smouldered".

and Jared Hicks, Leroy Warren and Jack Raharuhi had gone to Mr Morgan's
home. Rangi Hicks' daughter, who was Warren's girlfriend, went with

Rangi and Jared Hicks had gone inside where they found Mr
Morgan and Mrs Hicks in bed. They attacked Mr Morgan and Mrs Hicks
intervened. When Rangi Hick's daughter yelled, "don't hurt mum", the
attack stopped.

Both victims suffered injuries including swelling and bruising.

Mr Taffs said the relationship between Linda and Rangi Hicks was now completely 

was "keenly aware" that he had let himself, his family and the
community down by his actions. He acknowledged full responsibility.

Jared Hicks was also genuinely remorseful.

had been drinking and mourning a friend, and was not looking for
trouble when he discovered his wife's infidelity via text, Mr Taffs

Judge Noel Walsh imposed three months' community detention
with curfew, 250 hours' community work, reparation of $1500 each for
"emotional harm", and reparation of $960 each to repair the BMW.

He also ordered intensive supervision.

Judge Walsh described the text message as "explicit and graphic" and "extremely 
offensive to Mr Hicks senior".

He acknowledged Hicks and his son had no criminal history and had already 
offered to pay reparation.

The attack was a "crime of passion, outrage, grief and too much liquor".

Warren, 18, a farm worker, and Raharuhi, 17, also a farm worker, were
convicted of being party to assault. They received a suspended
sentence, and were ordered to pay reparation of $300 each to Linda


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