Astonishing story about captain R. Thank you for posting Sumerian.

Peace and best wishes.


On 27 dic, 11:38, "Sumerian.." <> wrote:
> PS: In the Arab world, especially on the daily dialoge the term JEWS is 
> linked to Israelis. Sadly the term: Zionists is not showed as it should be. 
> Israel Shamir lives in Israel, and it looks he is affected by this mixing up 
> between JEWS and ZIONISTS. We Arabs don't have troubles with Jews. They lived 
> with us for several thousands of years together. Our problem is with the 
> English who brought eastern Europeans and established a cartoon state called 
> Israel. S1000+
> From Israel Shamir
> Dear friend,
> best regards from Ankara, the capital of Turkey, where I am now at a
> conference on Palestine, together with wonderful Cynthia McKinney and other 
> good
> and great persons. Turkey is changing its course, from very pro-American and
> pro-Israeli to more independent, and subsequently less zionized.
> The Turks
> are proud of the brave stand of their prime minister for Palestine and against
> an Israeli leader at Davos last year, and they consider it a pivotal event.
> Turkey is changing from violently secular, anti-religious, so 1940s
> Kemalist regime, but there are still a lot of vestiges, as huge portraits
> of the supreme leader are still hanging on the capital buildings while student
> girls in headscarfs are being frowned upon if not actually forbidden to enter
> university. Though kemalism was supposed to be the proponent of modernisation,
> it is so dated, so old-fashioned! There is nothing more dated than yesterday's
> modernism. In Russia, they took this sort of portraits down in 1955, and even
> Taiwan removed its Chiang Kai Shek portraits in 1980s.
> Surely it is not only portraits that annoy. They have a Supreme Court which
> tried to outlaw the majority ruling party because its very soft Islamic 
> leanings
> do not agree with strict kemalism. It seems that Turkey's parliament has
> still much work to do on the way to democracy - they should  downgrade
> their unelected Supreme Court, bring army and intelligence generals into
> obedience, provide for religious freedom for majority Muslims. But first,
> they should remove American military bases and kick NATO out. In an
> interview to a Turkish newspaper I called Turkey "to make peace with its own
> past" - the splendid past of the Caliphate, the ruler of the East, the head of
> the Muslim believers and the protector of the Christians.
> Here is the talk I give today with its advices What To Do in
> Palestine:
> What to Do  
> in and about Palestine
> Israel Shamir’s Talk at the Ankara
> Conference English/Turkey. htm
> Dear Turkish friends and fellow
> guests from abroad,
> I am glad to speak again to you, the
> people of our great neighbour and former sovereign Turkey .
> Your latest developments inspire optimism. You are doing fine!
>  Turkey is growing stronger and more
> independent; your leaders’ obsession with joining the European Union has been
> exorcised. You have restored the power of the parliament, bridled military
> excesses, streamlined your economy and improved relations with
>  Syria and Iran .
>  Turkey is no longer an American
> colony. You stopped joint air force exercises with Israel and the US . You
> expressed your clear anger over the horrors of Gaza . Now you pay more 
> attention to the area
> where you live; you play an important role already and are destined to play an
> even greater role. So much depends on you! We feel it every day in Palestine .
> I will not waste your time
> describing the horrors of Zionist rule in Palestine . You already know them, 
> you’ve seen
> them on TV – dreadful pictures of burned schools and napalmed children, of the
>  Gaza blockade,
> of check points, of night arrests. It is now exactly one year since the Jewish
> onslaught on Gaza , last year's Christmas war
> which Israel began while the world was
> holidaying.
>  Your president, Mr Gul, said a few days ago to our president, Mr
> Peres, that he will not visit Israel while the siege of Gaza continues, and 
> that
> was a very good decision. Indeed, it is urgent to lift the Gaza siege, 
> because no building materials are being allowed
> to enter Gaza
> for the repair of homes. Instead, the Israeli siege is being tightened with
> active help of Egypt .
> However beyond Gaza problem we must look
> for a bigger picture.
> We are being told that the Gaza problem is that of Hamas intransigence, that 
> it is
>  Gaza ’s own
> fault. If only Gaza wouldn’t embrace radical
>  Islam , Israel would accommodate Gaza ’s needs.
> Let us have
> a look outside of Gaza , at the West Bank’s jewel,
> el Bireh, the twin city of Ramallah , the seat of Israel-approved ruler
> Mahmud Abbas. This is a most prosperous city of wonderful villas with a lot of
> greenery and purring Mercedes cars, and a beautiful view. El Bireh decided to
> build a football stadium; they asked for money and they received funds from
>  France , Germany and the
> World Football Association, FIFA. The football stadium was built within the 
> city
> of el Bireh 's
> limits. Immediately, the Israeli court ruled: the stadium must be destroyed, 
> because it is within the
> eyesight of a Jew.
> Do you understand this? Mahmud Abbas
> is the most compliant Palestinian leader now or ever; he is doing everything
> that Israel asks. His police kindly
> retreat when Israeli security jeeps drive into his cities to arrest whomever
> they wish. He arrests every activist who speaks against Israeli excesses. He
> even fired the most senior Palestinian diplomat, Dr. Afif Safieh, the former
> ambassador to Washington , London , Vatican and Moscow
> because he spoke out against the Israeli war on Gaza .
> Every Islamist, every supporter of Islam
> in the West Bank is (or was) in Abbas’ jail.
> Abbas is an implacable enemy of radical Islam. You can’t be more conciliatory
> towards Israel than Mahmud Abbas. And still,
> he can’t even build a stadium for kids to kick ball in his own city, because 
> the
> Jews will not allow it.  
> So, although Gaza is in a dreadful situation, the problem is not only
>  Gaza . Islam or
> not Islam is not even a question we should be pondering. It makes no 
> difference.
> Islamists are in Abbas’ jail, yet Abbas can’t even build a stadium. Stadium, 
> not
> medreseh ( =School in Arabic S1000+).
> Fatah member Marwan Barghuti and leftist PFLP leader Ahmed Sadat are
> in Israeli jails together with Hamas MPs.  
> The problem is the Jewish state. Not
> only does it besiege Gaza and destroy a football stadium in el
> Bireh. These are local problems, painful but local. The Jewish state (It is 
> not a Jewish state. It is a Zionist state. S1000+) focuses
> Jewish power all over the world into action. Without a Jewish state, this 
> power
> would disperse; it would remain local, it would remain chaotic, probably it
> would be subdued by the forces of assimilation. Israel focuses
> these chaotic forces and concentrates them into action.  
> This action is against Islam. Not
> only against Islam, but Dar ul Islam (the Islamic world) is a prime target. In
> the US , the Jewish Neocons
> led their country into a crusade against Iraq and Afghanistan ; now they are 
> spearheading the push
> against Iran
>  . They have formed a powerful
> front against President Obama and have turned him into a laughing stock after 
> he
> uttered a few words of wisdom about Palestine .
> In Europe , if you inspect the coffers of anti-Muslim neo-Nazi
> groups, you'll find that they thrive on Jewish support. In Russia , Jewish
> nationalists and Zionists try to rally the Russians against their Muslim
> brethren. Sometimes they do it under cover of the Russian Church , or of 
> Russian nationalism. I wrote
> about this recently, as I had discovered that the most fervently anti-Muslim
> forces in Russia are organised by
> crypto-Zionists.
> Even if a Palestinian state were to
> be established and recognised, it wouldn’t stop Israeli attempts to undermine
> its neighbours, to bomb Iran ,
> to sow the seeds of discord from Russia to France , from Turkey to India .
>  Israel 's too powerful intelligence
> services would keep meddling. Neither would it neutralise the armed forces of
>  Israel , and you know as well as
> anybody that the generals do not give up their toys, their privileges or their
> influence easily. The Israeli military machine is so powerful that it would 
> seek
> to exercise its might.
> Remember the Israel-Egypt peace treaty: when it was
> concluded, the first thing Israel did was invade Lebanon .
> The bad influence of Zionism on Jews
> all over the world would not vanish in case of a “two states’ solution.
> In 1920,
> Winston Churchill published an article (Illustrated Sunday Herald,
> February 8, 1920, pg 5)
> titled: «Zionism or Bolshevism». (http://www.library. flawlesslogic. 
> com/ish.htm ). There he noted that many Jews
> tend to embrace the cause of social equality (for him it was “impossible
> equality”), and the best way to stop by far too dynamic and powerful Jews from
> promoting equality is to infect them with Zionism. His project was supported 
> by
> the might of the British Empire and by money of
> wealthy anti-equality Jews.
> Zionism won. Equality was defeated. If we defeat
> Zionism, equality will have another chance. And a two states’ solution will 
> not
> defeat Zionism.
> In short, even if Mahmud Abbas’s
> dream of limited independence were to be realised, it wouldn’t be good enough
> for the region, and it wouldn’t be good enough for the world: Israel
> in its form of Jewish-supremacist state can’t become a peaceful neighbour.
> Supremacism leads to wars. Only a
> democratic state, the successor of Israel and the PNA, would be able to
> live in peace. Compare it to South
> Africa : as long as it was a white-supremacist state, it was
> the source of warfare and trouble all over Africa . After its supremacism was 
> exorcized, it became
> peaceful. In the same vein, independent Palestine
> would be just another Bantustan of the type
> rightly rejected by South Africans.
> But I do not think that even this
> very limited cause of limited independence for Palestine is likely to be 
> achieved.
> We have
> been told – for sixteen years! – that there is a peace process that will lead 
> to
> a “two states solution”. This is a fairy tale. If the Jews will not allow even
> the most loyal and obedient of el Bireh’s kids to play football, do you think
> they will allow them to have an independent state? Why would they?
> The Jews write frequently of how
> they envisage Palestinian independence. (I refer here to the most enlightened
> left-wing Jewish politicians! ) They speak of a Palestine broken into a few
> enclaves surrounded by a wall and barbed wire, its airspace and all of its
> borders controlled by Israel; its water to remain under Jewish control. And 
> this
> is the best they can dream of.
> If you want to have Two States, it
> can happen only if the Jews plead for it like they did in 1947. They did so
> then, and they will do so again only if they feel that the alternative, a 
> single
> democratic state for all inhabitants of Palestine , is on the table. This is 
> what they
> are afraid of: full democracy, full equality in the whole of the land. So even
> for practical reasons, we should call, not for independence of some 
> partitioned
> bits and pieces, but for the whole lot: Let Palestine be united, let all of 
> its
> inhabitants have equal rights, and afterwards they can discuss two states for
> ever and ever. The first thing is equality, the rest can wait.
> Speaking frankly, this mythic Two
> State Solution can’t even be envisaged. Jews and Palestinians live all over
>  Palestine , and they can’t be physically separated
> without a huge turmoil that would remind us of 1921 in Turkey and Greece , 
> with Turks leaving Salonika and Greeks
> leaving Smyrna .
> This is not something one would like to see happen.  
> The West gave Nansen his Nobel Peace
> prize for the transfer of Greeks and Turks. In my view, this was a terrible
> calamity, never to be repeated. Partitions are awful; it is like sawing a 
> living
> man into two parts. Nor is it necessary. Greeks and Turks could live together 
> as
> they did for four hundred years; separation did nothing good for them.
> Separation of Israelis and Palestinians would be equally evil.
> Now, Zionists often remind Turks of
> your so-called “Kurd problem”. This comparison is wrong, because every Kurd in
>  Turkey has Turkish
> citizenship and has all the rights every Turkish citizen has; while 
> Palestinians
> usually have no citizenship of the state of Israel and enjoy
> no rights. But in one sense this comparison is right: it is impossible to
> separate Kurds from Turkey ,
> because people of Kurdish descent live everywhere from Diyarbakir to Istanbul 
> . Likewise, it is impossible to
> separate Palestinians from the immigrant populations which are called “Jews”.
> Indeed, the whole story of Palestine is a story of
> immigrants taking over a country. Such things happen: immigrants from
>  Britain took over North
> America and Australia . This is a sad thing, but
> it happened. Now it is not realistic to hope that they will sail back to
>  England – they won’t. It is wrong to
> try and create an “independent state” for the native Americans – such
> independent states are called “reservations” . The right answer is equality 
> for
> native and immigrant alike. Some Jews would complain that they want a state of
> their own. We shall answer them: you have built on sand, and a house built on
> sand can’t stand forever. If you want a state of your own without anybody 
> else,
> find yourself a lonely uninhabited island. Palestine was, and is, populated; 
> the best you can
> wish is to be equal citizens in Palestine with everybody
> else.
> I spoke about this solution in the
> year 2001, when our country was torn by intifada al Aksa. It was right then, 
> and
> it is right now. At that time I said: there is no other solution but a 
> one-state
> solution. People, and even good people, activists, friends of Palestine said: 
> no, we are
> very close to the two states’ solution. I did not believe it then, I do not
> believe it now. There is only one good way out, and that is the way of 
> equality
> and democracy, of deconstructing the Jewish state by forcing it to give full
> rights to all Palestinians under its rule.  
> So this is the goal we should strive
> for: full equality and integration of Palestine
> and Israel , South African style. Nothing
> less.  
> This does not mean that there is
> nothing to be done until that moment. Turkey can do a lot even now, even
> today, beyond expressions of solidarity. The Jewish state is a horrible 
> example
> of injustice gone unpunished. For instance, an Israeli officer Captain R
> murdered a 13-year old girl, Iman al Hams. He shot her within eyesight of his
> soldiers and said that even a three-year-old Palestinian should be killed if 
> she
> comes close to Jewish positions. The Jewish court absolved Captain R of all
> guilt; the Israeli Army promoted him to major and another court awarded him
> damages for the mere discussion of his crime. Last week, yet another Jewish
> judge gave another huge compensation to the
> same murderer.  
> Turkey, as the former ruler of Palestine , could fill in
> the void of justice by bringing this Captain R to trial. Sooner or later he 
> will
> leave the sanctuary of the Jewish state and travel somewhere for a holiday. A
> Turkish warrant for his arrest should await him wherever he goes. And not only
> him, but the Jewish ‘judges’ who covered up his crime and became accessories
> after the murder should be tried too. This is not a job for amateurs, but for 
> a
> state with all its tools. If present Turkish law does not allow for this, let
> the law be updated by taking a leaf from the Israeli book. According to 
> Israeli
> law, if a Turk does wrong to a Jew in Turkey , he may be snatched, arrested, 
> tried and
> punished in Israel . Turkey should
> introduce a symmetrical law, covering offences against Palestinians who
> otherwise are not protected by law.
> Turkey could also take the initiative to
> stop the still looming Israeli-American aggression against Iran . If they do
> take Iran ,
>  Turkey will be encircled and cut off.
> The fate of Palestine also depends on the fate of
>  Tehran .
> My New Year's wish to you: be
> yourself, be Turks, and live in harmony and friendship with your neighbours,
> with Russia ,
>  Iran , Syria , Greece and with all the successor states of the
>  Ottoman Empire . You are needed for the world
> and for Palestine .
> =======
>   S1000+
>   =======
> --- On Sat, 12/26/09, Israel Shamir <> wrote:
> From: Israel Shamir <>
> Subject: [shamireaders] Regards from Ankara, from Israel Shamir
> To: "readers" <>
> Date: Saturday, December 26, 2009, 10:23 PM
> <


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