Swamini Lakshmi is one of the owner of the trade marks ARTISTIC YOGA, YOGA 
ARTISTICO  and KALA YOGA. She is one of the head and CEO of ARTISTIC YOGA 
INTERNATIONAL and also the president of Yoga Federation of Argentina.

In 2008 ARTISTIC YOGA INTERNATIONAL don´t give the permition of use the method 
to another organizations.
Only the International Federation of Yoga Sports have MOU with ARTISTIC YOGA 
INTERNATIONAL for have World Yoga Championship to 2009.
But in Hong Kong at Yogathon, Singapore and part of India few organizations use 
the method with out legal AUTORISATION.
This ilegal matter was the big problem for the future boards of Interantional 
Federation of Yoga Sports and Asia Yoga Federation.

But the national yoga association suggest to give teh presidency to Swamini 
Lakshmi for have deel. New MOU is coming to be under her signature on may or 
june 2010.

Artistic Yoga is founded by Yogacharya Swami Maitreyanada (Dr Fernando Estevez 
Griego) in 1970, Swamiji was the formed
president of International Yoga Federation. International School Artistic Yoga  
was founded in 1985 and the WordChampiojship of Artistic Yoga star on 1989. In 
1989 whe swamiji come to International Federation of Yoga Sports he change the 
way of world competitions with the introduction of musica and movements. His 
invention the Artistic Yoga and Rhythmic Yoga coming to India in 1992 for have 
many popularity. In teh west the yoga teacher like this method of yoga more 
than other as yoga asanas competition. 

Creator of Artistic Yoga ™
Swami Maitreyananda in an internationally recognized Yoga Master who has 
conducted numerous yoga teachers training course former president of 
International Yoga Federation and president of International Integral Yoga 
Swami Maitreyananda is the founder and creator of "Artistic Yoga ™"in 1970. 
Guruji Adapting ancient yoga techniques to suit contemporary lifestyle 
requirements, it an experimental yet extremely powerful system of Yoga that 
works on all aspects of fitness - strength, flexibility, stamina, balance and 
agility. Artistic Yoga ™ is taught in the world in Argentina, Brazil, Bulgary, 
Chile, Colombia, Equator, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Panama, Portugal, 
Russia, Spain, Ukraine, U.S.A. and Uruguay

Gurji founded in 1985 the International School of Artistic Yoga ® in Uruguay.

History of a passion,
the Artistic Yoga ™

Artistic Yoga™ is a yoga method for the modern person whose emphasis is on 
exploring and commanding the spirit.  In order to avoid confusion, one must 
understand what we mean when we speak of “spirit” and “spiritual”. The spirit 
is the result of impulses and motivations that generate emotions and feelings. 
An emotion is a spontaneous, and uncontrollable internal state that is 
accompanied by subjective feelings and a physical reaction. The “emotion” is, 
in itself, the cause of gestures, expressions, and immediate actions.
“Spirit” is also defined as the individual’s Noetic plane. This signifies that 
the spirit is made up of emotions, feelings, and passions. The word noetic 
comes from the term “nous”, which means 
breeze: it implies an energetic component. We consider spirit to be something 
different than the soul. The confusion between “spirit” and “soul” has 
generated many misunderstandings in the yoga world, resulting in confusion 
between “spiritual” and “religious”. Spirituality is not necessarily religion, 
and religion is not necessarily spirituality. For example, Art is a spiritual 
that is certainly not a religion. Yoga is a spiritual discipline in the same 
way that Art is a spiritual discipline. Artistic Yoga™ is the link between Yoga 
and Art.
There are many forms of Artistic Yoga™. First, there is the Artistic Yoga™ 
whose emphasis is on the yoga asanas. This approach to Artistic Yoga™ is a 
Hatha Yoga style.  It is the linking together of aesthetic asanas by way of 
hooks and passages to create a cascade of asana. The series are put to music 
and students learn to work with coordination, timing, breath, mudras, drishti, 
and moving meditation. But most importantly for the spiritual education, 
students incorporate emotivity, energy control, introspection, intuition, and 
expression of feeling. The style has its own technique and is not the same as 
other forms of Yoga Dance. There exist competitions and demonstrations of this 
form of Artistic Yoga™ all over the world.(See Class Schedule for Artistic Yoga 
practice times.) 

There is another form of Artistic Yoga™ whose emphasis is on the singing of 
mantra. Mantras can be sung alone or in groups. Mantras can be accompanied by 
musical instruments, by the clapping of hands, snapping of fingers, or crying 
out of sounds. This form of Artistic Yoga™ can also be accompanied by a 
demonstration of asana series, but the mantra is the focus. Yogis are free to 
take creative initiative in the incorporation of rhythm, harmonies, and 
arrangements. It is not necessary to have knowledge of musical techniques to 
practice this form of Artistic Yoga™ because the goal of this practice is to 
enter into meditation in order to freely express feeling through sound. 

Another form of Artistic Yoga™ is Yoga theatre. This includes plays written 
about mythological Hindu characters, who have symbolic significance for yoga 
enthusiasts. This also includes plays about Yoga history, yoga today, or the 
yogi lifestyle. This category is open to all plays about the spiritual path in 
general. (Dispersed through out the body of the play there could be 
demonstrations of Artistic Yoga™ asana series and mantra chants.) Theatre and 
yoga are similar asboth work with posing, and the relationship between posture, 
action, and emotions.  

As we progress along the Yoga path, attachment to the physical training results 
in the neglect of the mental aspect. And after years of training the mind, we 
find that our discipline, in the end, neglects the spirit. It is at this time 
that the yogi must return to Art to grow spiritually. With a strong body to 
sustain him or her, and with a concentrated and aware mind, the yogi is 
delighted to find that after years of yoga he or she has a facility for dance, 
singing, painting, poetry, music, acting… We need Art to celebrate, grieve, and 

Artistic Yoga ™ - angas of Zilpa Yoga Kala Yoga®
The 18 Steps of Artistic Yoga ™

1) Asana, yoga's posture 
2) Pranayama, control of energy 
3) Swara yoga, yoga's breathing
4) Ekagrata, atention
5) Dharana, concetration
6) Sagita-nada, external and internal music
7) Mudra, seal and sign of yoga
8) Sambandha, link
9) Bhava, feeling 
10) Gati yoga, yogic movement
11) Gatizila yoga, dinamic yoga
12) Samanvaya, coordination
13) Tala, rhythm and timing
14) Pravaha, flow 
15) Kramaji, sequence or series
16) Pravaha Krama, choreography of asanas 
17) Kala Yoga
18) Samyama, Dharana, Dhyana y Samadhi.


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