Hi Everyone,

First of all BIG thumbs up to everyone developing core WordPress.

Like Peter Westwood said I would like to see additional features that would
allow me as Web Developer to get content from say group of volunteers and
have an Editor to approve a version before it goes live for general public.

Like many other people already mentioning on this, as a site admin I would
want to be able to specify how many copy of the revision are stored in the
database. and also selectively delete completely (hard delete -- another
word no going back) certain version.

Also perhaps an option to lock down current public version so no update can
be done to it unless you create a new revision. This probably already exist,
so correct me if I am behind on this.

Kind Regards,

Azizur Rahman

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Peter Westwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hash: SHA1
> Michael D Adams wrote:
> | The post/page revisions feature is more or less feature complete now.
> |
> Brilliant. Well done. Thank You!
> | Can people poke at it and see what bugs/inconsistencies there are?  How
> | does the UI feel?  What's missing?  What shouldn't be there?  That sort
> | of thing.
> |
> | For those of you who haven't seen it yet, on posts and pages that you've
> | saved more than once, there should be a new box: "Post/Page Revisions".
> | It shows you the history of the post and lets you look at each revision
> | and compare any two revisions.
> |
> | It store a revision every time you click "Save" or "Publish".  Only the
> | most recent autosave is stored.
> |
> | Oh, and autosave is now enabled for all posts/pages, not just drafts.
> |
> It all looks very useful and intuitive.
> I think we need to make the existence of the revisions more prominent -
> for me having them down the bottom of the page below the fold makes them
> hard to find.
> Maybe a link in the quicklinks list to the revisions for this post.
> I haven't had a chance to dig into the code but do the post revsions
> support the following use cases:
> 1) Contributor updating a post which has been published by an editor
> without the changes going live before an editor has reviewed them.
> 2) The ability to pin the public version of a post/page on an old
> revision to allow for the generation of new content without it going live.
> 3) A way to "one-click" make live a number of changed pages which have
> been generated by (2).
> It would be good to see these in the core to allow for CMS style usecases.
> westi
> - --
> Peter Westwood
> http://blog.ftwr.co.uk | http://westi.wordpress.com
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Azizur Rahman
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