Hi Marco,

> I'm still using 0.90, and surely i don't try to upgrade using the
> procedure explained on:
>       http://wpkg.org/WPKG

You could even upgrade WPKG (server side) without changing the client 
side at all.

> PS: and if we simply throw away the .msi installer and prepare a simple
>  batch script that do the job, copy files, setting registry keys, ...
>  In another way: what do the .msi installer on a *upgrade* process? Can
>  be substituted with a simple cmd script?

No. I don't think this is the way to go. We are building up a 
state-of-the-art software deployment environment and then we should 
install one of the core components using a "hacky" cmd script? NO!

Probably switching to NSIS could be an alternative too. Just make sure 
the /S switch works properly ;-)
However currently it's clearly a resource problem. WPKG 1.0 is quite 
stable, WPKG 1.1 is collecting new features and WPKG client suffers from 
some upgrade problems and probably also the delayed logon feature needs 
further investigation. So if somebody could provide some assistance here...

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