WPKG Client 1.3.2 has been released.

This is *not* intended for production environments and is designed for 
testing purposes only.

It is available for download at http://wpkg.org/files/client/beta/


* When using offline mode, logon delay window was displayed longer than 
necessary on certain hardware setups (VMware, certain network cards 
etc.)- should be fixed now, but please double check, as it was tested on 
a limited set of hardware.

* Upgrading should work even if the service is running. In fact, it 
probably worked earlier: prerequisite - Windows Installer 3.1 installed.

* It is now possible to schedule the execution on the system shutdown.

* Support for /sendStatus feature present in the milestone releases of 
WPKG (1.1.0-M3 and later): logon delay window will display some status 
messages printed by wpkg.js

* Fixed bug 90 (make WPKG Client window fit on 640x480 screen resolution)

* (Re)starting/stopping the service on remote machines

* Some more debugging (logging to a file etc.)

Still to do:

* 64 bit version - it will be made when all issues in the 32 bit version 
are ironed out.

* wpkginst.exe window layout - it's a bit messy right now. Suggestions, 
mockups are welcome!

* "Branding" - possibility to change the title of the WPKG logon window 
(it now displays "WPKG Software Deployment") and add your own logo there.

When all these features are implemented and remaining issues fixed, WPKG 
Client will be released as 1.4.x series.

Please test, report...

Tomasz Chmielewski
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