Hello Rainer,

your analysis is so far correct, but the conclusion is not.
Here is my uninstall script.
@echo off
:: Remove Pidgin 
:: By: Johannes Brix, Evidian, 2009/01/02
:: ==================================================
:: Modifications
:: ==================================================

SET logdir=\\Evd-ads2\wpkg\0base\config\%COMPUTERNAME%
SET logcmd=\\Evd-ads2\wpkg\0base\trace.cmd

call %logcmd% Pidgin-Remove Pidgin-Remove started -----------------------

taskkill /F /T /IM pidgin.exe
tasklist | findstr pidgin.exe
IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto killproc

RD /S /Q "%ProgramFiles%\Pidgin\pixmaps\pidgin\emotes\kolobok_big_pack"
call %logcmd% Pidgin-Remove Pidgin-Remove AddOns ended 

%ProgramFiles%\Pidgin\pidgin-uninst.exe /S

call %logcmd% Pidgin-Remove Pidgin-Remove ended -----------------------
exit /B 0

The return value is 0 and this is OK for wpkg.
The folder of Pidgin is totally removed, nothing left when wpkg takes 
control again.

I just did a test with the check method:
   <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Pidgin" />

Here the deinstallation works fine.
I think there is a bug somewhere in wpkg with the check against file 
version methode like
<check type="file" condition="versionequalto" 
path="%programfiles%\pidgin\pidgin.exe" value="" />.
It seems that the variable is not refreshed after the deinstallation.

Some months ago I had the same similar problem with jxplorer, where also 
the file check methode was configured
and it was impossible to remove it from wpkg.xml local config file.

Kind regards,
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