> Subject: Re: [wpkg-users] Feature request - prevent logi until package 
> installs completed
> Chris Wilcox schrieb:
> > > This feature (password-protected cancel of a logon delay window) only
> > > works if administrator is around.
> > 
> > So setting the login delay to really long is the only option? If so, 
> > can I request the ability to set it for longer than 120 minutes? 120 
> > minutes might sound like a long time, but if I roll a new PC out, or 
> > re-install Windows for whatever reason, the growing number of packages 
> > that need installed before I want the PC to be used means that in some 
> > cases it could well take over 2 hours to get all programs installed.
> Your thinking may be correct, but it looks like it was never faced with 
> reality.
> If you have users around when your PCs are being upgraded, and these 
> users want to use computers, they will do everything to log in. Some 
> will search for the next free PC; some will just hit "reboot" button. 
> And again, and again, on many of your PCs.
> And you will likely have more troubles because of interrupted installations.
> > Having the WPKG interface being shown is essential in most cases, as it 
> > holds the login and lets people know what is going on, and prevents them 
> > using the computer until the software installs are complete.
> "WPKG user interface -> Show" (perhaps not a very good name) is not the 
> same as "logon delay".
> "Logon delay" keeps users from logging in.
> "WPKG user interface -> Show" makes all programs started by WPKG Client 
> appear in the foreground *after* user logs in - it's good for debugging, 
> but otherwise, should be disabled.

Ahh, I may have misunderstood the 'Show' option then!


However, the use of the login delay does not pose any issues for me with users 
at all.  In a school environment everyone is briefed about the use of WPKG (and 
we use a similar commercial product in my main site which does not let login 
progress until all install procedures are completed and will try this again and 
again IF a PC is rebooted or powered off inadvertently, it guarantees all 
software installs complete as required).


I would not expect any school to have issues with leaving the install to 
complete, and for the most part, login delay will be minimal as application 
installs are handled outside of normal computer usage time.  It's only for the 
odd occasion where I set an install off then leave the site where it would be 
better to have the WPKG login delay hold login until the install was complete - 
perhaps for now I'll have to set the login delay to the max of 120 minutes and 
see how it goes.



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