Up. Anyone?

Another problem: on the Bookmarks menu, the submenu that shows the items of
Bookmarks Toolbar doesn't have the name...

wpkg-users-boun...@lists.wpkg.org scritti il 29/05/2009 12.44.38

> I encountered some problems with WPKG and Firefox, some solved and one

> 1) Left side scroolbar instead of right side: write this in the mms file:

> LockPref ("layout.scrollbar.side", 2);

> 2) Firefox forgets evertime your proxy authentication (if you are in an
> domain)

> LockPref ("network.automatic-ntlm-auth.allow-proxies", true);

> 3) Bookmarks toolbar blank problem

> If I drag a link in the bookmarks toolbar, it is blank all time. How can
> fix this?

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