> Hi,
> My Question is: Can I provide software via wpkg depend of "pc can see the 
> software package or not".
> In this case I have only a simple configuration: software for all ;-)
> But only few pc's can see the installation-package via ADS-Group-membership.
> Now my admins can simple control SW via ADS and on the other hand user with 
> local adminrights can't manuell install the software from WPKG-Share.
> Thanks for help
> Frank
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------


Unless the local users can view/see the software share they'll not be 
installing software anyhow?


Either that or set permissions on the software share so the users can't access 
it - create a specific user account which WPKG uses to connect to the software 
share and that should allow installs to work but then prevent users from 
viewing the share themselves.


I use something very similar for WPKG running from a protected Linux network 
share and it works fine.

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