> > today I got the request to do some configuration on Firefox installation:
> >
> > 1. Set some settings
> > 2. install some plugins
> > 3. install some certificates and marked as trustworthy.
> >
> > Does anyone know how this can be done by scripting during software
> > distribution?
> >
> > For IE, I only need to do task 3: install some certificates and marked as
> > trustworthy.
> For #3 in IE, you can also use a program called certmgr.exe that will allow 
> you to silently install certificates.
> Certmgr.exe can be found by googling for "codesigningx86.exe" and downloading 
> it (it'll be a self-extracting zip
> archive). Microsoft hosted this file at one time in the past, but has since 
> pulled it.

I would not recommend downloading this system file from the net, but instead 
use the version installed with your Windows version.

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