> --- Comment #4 from Rainer Meier <r.me...@wpkg.org>
> 2009-09-07 10:57:26 ---
> Very nice... what a crap...
> Actually the quotes for the "echo" command are not required.
> If you use them
> they will be passed to msg.exe and appear as a part of the
> piped characters.
> Moreover the solution has some issues too. Using pipes
> requires executing
> %COMSPEC% so I've tried "%COMSPEC% /c echo message | msg.exe"
> but this mangles
> UTF-8 characters (which is very important since WPKG supports
> UTF-8 characters
> in message strings and lots of non-english strings include non CP850
> characters.
> I've tried "%COMSPEC% /u /c echo message | msg.exe" too which
> is supposed to
> forward pipe output as unicode. But it still garbled unicode
> characters.
> Then I've tried "%COMSPEC% /u /c chcp 65001 && echo message |
> msg.exe" where
> chcp is supposed to set cmd into UTF-8 mode. But it did not
> work either.
> So currently I don't know how to pipe unicode characters
> correctly to msg.exe.
> Maybe msg.exe does not correctly accept unicode characters via STDIN.
> So unless somebody finds a work-around for this problem we
> stick to 256
> characters in "msg" mode.

Redirect the input from a file:

Msg.exe <MyText.txt

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