David N wrote:
> I am very interested for the silent install. I've tried but haven't
> had any luck.

First a disclaimer: I never got around to deploying this, have not
tested it recently, however it worked back at the time I created it...

(I haven't checked - is version 6.1a still the latest?)

First run exe file by hand, and unpack files, move unpacked files into
%SOFTWARE%\truecrypt directory.

=== cut ===
<package id="truecrypt"
         name="Truecrypt 6.1a"
       <check type="file" condition="versiongreaterorequal"
path="%WINDIR%\System32\Drivers\truecrypt.sys" value=""/>
       <depends package-id="perl"/>
       <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\truecrypt\install.cmd 6.1a' />
       <upgrade cmd='%SOFTWARE%\truecrypt\install.cmd 6.1a' />
       <remove cmd='%SOFTWARE%\truecrypt\remove.cmd 6.1a' />
=== cut ===


=== cut ===
"%WINDIR%\System32\sc.exe" stop truecrypt
copy "%SOFTWARE%\TrueCrypt\%1\truecrypt.sys" "%WINDIR%\System32\Drivers"
"%WINDIR%\System32\sc.exe" create truecrypt type= kernel start= auto
error= normal binPath= "%WINDIR%\System32\Drivers\truecrypt.sys"
DisplayName= truecrypt
"%WINDIR%\System32\sc.exe" start truecrypt
xcopy /E /I /Y "%SOFTWARE%\truecrypt\%1" "%ProgramFiles%\TrueCrypt"
"%SOFTWARE%\unattended\shortcut.pl" --description "Truecrypt encryption"
=== cut ===


=== cut ===
del "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\TrueCrypt.lnk"
"%WINDIR%\System32\sc.exe" delete truecrypt
del "%WINDIR%\System32\Drivers\truecrypt.sys"
rmdir /S /Q "%ProgramFiles%\TrueCrypt"
=== cut ===

It is possible my mail client may try to wrap these lines, will check
after I send this.

It might be possible to do this all within the packages XML file,
however the method I chose way makes the quoting requirements simpler.

Any feedback on problems, solutions, etc, appreciated.

Brian May

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