Hi Marco,

Marco Gaiarin wrote:
> ...my first try, but the installer say: «you have just the latest
> version, thanks.». ;(((
> Seems there's no way to reinstall...

Maybe it checks some (existing) registry keys and then exits. ProcessMonitor
might help to detect the right entries, remove them and then re-install it. But
this is quite messy - especially since we should assume that WSH is installed

>> Which version of wpkg.js are you running?
> 1.0.4 (i'm upgrading now) and on line 4252 there's:
>       var tempLogPath = new 
> ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%\\wpkg-logInit.log");

Upgrading to 1.1.2 is recommended. However the same functions are used in WPKG
1.1.2 too.
I guess it's somehow unable to locate "ExpandEnvironmentStrings" on the
"WScript.Shell" object. Why? No clue :-(

>> Try re-installing cscript and attach a full WPKG debug log (if it does not 
>> dash
>> out directly at startup before it writes anything).
> ...seems that wpkg does not produce any output at all. ;(

Well, ExpandEnvironmentStrings is used to expand the location where the log file
is written. So no chance for WPKG to initiate the log part.

It's not the first time that something like this happens. I ought to remember
that a similar problem has been reported once but I think this guy just
re-installed the machine and the problem was gone.

Maybe you can trace execution with ProcessMonitor - see if it (cscript.exe)
tries to access some files which are missing (or registry entries). Just do it
if you have the patience to do so. Alternatively just re-install the machine.
If you're able to trace it down to the root cause we would be interested to hear
what was causing it.

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