Hi Luca,

luca_mangane...@comune.trento.it wrote:
> You're right, but we are in a government instititution. And they prefer to
> save money instead buying many NAS. It's a common problem, not to us.

But they can afford you to spend some days on investigation, maybe adding some
additional days developing a custom solution and a lot of support effort in the
future ;-)

Well, their choice...

> Uuuuurgh... horrible. My WPKG share is about 1,5 GB. Some computers have
> only 20 GB (almost of them is nearly full)

Even today when 1TB of HDD space for desktops cost about $120.--

>> The synchronization could be executed at startup while WPKG
> synchronization
>> could be done at shutdown.
> Really? Where's the preference on startup script execution?

WPKG client offers a pre-execution script but this would not fit your
requirements. I thought that this synchronization needs to be an independent
service running at Windows startup. For example using rsync and srvany to create
a service.

WPKG supports to run at shutdown - so it could "try" at every shutdown if there
is something new in the repository synced to the local disc.

> but it requires, for every DSL-connected offices, to set up different
> package configurations. I prefer only one simple approach, instead
> rewriting the same wheel.

Not really. If you follow the WPKG suggestions you should have used variables
like %SOFTWARE% which points to your software share (e.g. "\\wpkgsrv\software".
If you use a NAS device you could assure that the local device is available at
the same hostname/IP on each site and use identical client configurations.
Alternatively you might have independent client configurations where the clients
at each site user a different WPKG client configuration exporting a custom
%SOFTWARE% variable.

I would prefer the first solution - have all clients connecting to the same
server name and resolve this name to another server on each site.

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