> I'm testing a check type="execute" to install software if the computer is 
> member of an MS AD group.
> This check works well alone::
>          <check type="execute" 
> path='\\sc18\Sources\WPKG\Packages\tools\groupmember.cmd "G WPKG tstpkg"' 
> condition="exitcodeequalto" value="0" />
> It installs the package if the computer is member of the AD Group "G WPKG 
> tstpkg"
> However it will Allways install the package as the condition will allways be 
> true.
> So I need to add a second condition so it will check if the package is not 
> already installed. This is where I bug::
> <check type="logical" condition="and">
>          <check type="execute" 
> path='\\sc18\Sources\WPKG\Packages\tools\groupmember.cmd "G WPKG tstpkg"' 
> condition="exitcodeequalto" value="0" />
>          <check type="file" condition="exists" path="c:\tstpkg\tstpkg.dat" />
> </check>

AND is the default condition for checks, there is no need to explicitly specify 

<check type="execute" path='\\sc18\Sources\WPKG\Packages\tools\groupmember.cmd 
"G WPKG tstpkg"' condition="exitcodeequalto" value="0" />
<check type="file" condition="exists" path="c:\tstpkg\tstpkg.dat" />

The above should be sufficient.

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