On 26.02.2010 18:15, Rainer Meier wrote:


I see you're not using a path-user setting but instead the machine account. I
personally never tried it but remember that there were some discussions that in
certain cases it does not work properly. Tomasz can comment on this, he knows by
heart I think.

This should generally work, but I never really had the chance to test it personally, due to the lack of an AD controller here.

Well, I might get access to one, but so far, AD users here on the list reported that using machine accounts work for them (but not for Samba though).

Andrew: I assume the client was joined to the domain?

You can also try http://wpkg.org/files/client/beta/1.3.14/ - although there were almost no changes in machine account handling code.

If it still doesn't work, please report it on http://bugzilla.wpkg.org/ - I will be reminded to see what happens.

Tomasz Chmielewski
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