I can help with the first:

Extract the setup files from the downloaded executable. In the 
nonlocalized\defaults\pref folder you will find a firefox.js. Open that in a 
text editor and modify the "pref("app.update.auto", true);" and 
"pref("app.update.enabled", true);" lines (about lines 63 and 68) so that the 
values are "false".

Kind regards,
Bill Prentice
Striving for R.F.C. 1925 compliance

-----Original Message-----
From: wpkg-users-boun...@lists.wpkg.org 
[mailto:wpkg-users-boun...@lists.wpkg.org] On Behalf Of Donny Brooks
Sent: Thursday, 22 July, 2010 12:51
To: wpkg-users@lists.wpkg.org
Subject: [wpkg-users] Firefox 3.6

I am looking at deploying firefox to our users but have a few specific 
requirements I hope someone can point me in the right direction on.

First off I need firefox to NOT check for updates since our users cannot 
install/upgrade software. Our current installs of seamonkey and acrobat 
drive me batty when people start sending helpdesk requests because those 
programs are trying to update before I can push out the updates via wpkg.

Secondly, I need to be able to set the homepage on the firefox browser.

Third, I need to know if anyone else has disabled Internet Explorer 
using WPKG. I know how to remove access to it in Vista using the program 
access and defaults, but not sure how to do it with wpkg or if it is 
even possible. I have searched for a registry entry to do this but to no 

Thanks in advance.

Donny B.

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