Am 12.12.2011 12:11, schrieb chiddie:

I have 3 questions:

1. Logging: is it possible to make WPKG automatically create a folder with
the machine name in order to put each machine log in a different folder?
Example: now i have edited the config.xml in order to
* log everything ()
* create a log file with this name ()
* put the log files in a specific folder ()
I wonder if it is possible to tell the program to log under a
\\\\servername\\\wpkg\\logs\[HOSTNAME] folder, with the program itself
creating the subdir [HOSTNAME] for every machine if it does not exists.

Have you already tried that?

I think that the folder must exist in order to make this work.

2. WPKG Service: is it possible to add a command that starts the service
after installation/upgrade without having to reboot the target machine? I
tried to add the command:
<install cmd='net start "WPKG Service"' />  after the line<install
cmd='msiexec /i...............>. The command succeeds (code 0) but the
service does not start.

How is the client configured?

3. Is it possible, ONLY for this package_id that deploys WPKG Client to
suppress the notify "The automated software installation utility has
completed installing...." that appears when Windows starts up if the machine
has not the WPKG Client installed?

Did you check the command line options of wpkg.js?
Hint /nonotify ;-)

Stefan P.

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