This is not possible for me because i have 2 networks : NET1 and NET2

Computer TOTO is in the NET1.
NET1 uses "ONLYNET1" profile, that depends of "ALL NETWORKS" profile.
NET2 uses directly "ALL NETWORKS" profile.

"ALL NETWORKS" profile contains the 30 packages, include "Foxit".

Le 20/12/2011 15:27, a écrit :
2011/12/20 Bruno CHOQUET<>:

350 computers have a profile named "CommonTools". Into the profile
"CommonTools", there are 30 packages like Firefox, Thunderbid, Foxit,

But i don't want than the computer "TOTO" instal the package "Foxit". How to
exclude the computer "TOTO"  in package "Foxit" ?

An idee, please ?


Rename the CommonTools profile to CommonToolsLite, give the
CommonToolsLite profile to TOTO.
Then create a new profile named CommonTools that depends on profile-id
CommonToolsLite, and includes package-id Foxit.

Do it all in a development environmen first, to make sure you have no
spelling errors, as a minor error may trigger an uninstall of all the
packages from your computers.

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