chiddie --> 20.12.2011 17:42:

Yes. In this case you can do:

      <host name="yourpcname" profile-id="default">
          <profile id="testprofile" />

I simply did<host name="mypcname" profile-id="TestProfile" />  in order not
to have to create also an empty "default" profile in the profiles.xml.

I modified the local wpkg settings on my pc adding the (in)famous
/applymultiple to my pc only. In this way i can add tests packages to my
testprofile only, avoiding uninstalling of packages contained in the
Standard Applications profile.

For tests, I have two possibilities:

- second share with full wpkg installations; if a package is ready
  -> synchronize to "production" share


- second profile for my test system, which includes all packages
  already assigned to other systems, plus the test package(s)

Now that i know that using the applymultiple flag i can bypass the issue,
there's no need for me to create a profiles folder with X profiles and a
hosts folder with X folders, using the default files is enough.

The only thing that i don't get is why WPKG always checks if WPKG_Client
package is installed, since now my conf is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

        <host name="MYPC" profile-id="IncrediBuild Agent" />
        <host group="Domain Computers" profile-id="Standard Applications" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


        <profile id="WPKG_Client">      
                <package package-id="WPKG_Client" />

          <profile id="Standard Applications">          
                <package package-id="7-Zip" />          
        <profile id="IncrediBuild Agent">       
                <package package-id="IncrediBuild Agent" />

The WPKG_Client profile is not invoked in the hosts.xml file, is only
invoked by the domain startup script (the one you suggested to modify
an if line).
You shouldn't remove your "WPKG_Client" package from default profile for
all hosts - wpkg compares what is installed to what it should
install according to profiles<->hosts association.

So I would expect WPKG_Client to be deinstalled if it is not assigned to
each host!!
I'm not sure i have understood:

Given that i have to leave

<profile id="WPKG_Client">      
        <package package-id="WPKG_Client" />

as it is in order to make the domain startup script work, you suggest to add
the line

<package package-id="WPKG_Client" />

to the profile

<profile id="Standard Applications">

Yes, sure. If it is not - perhaps the wpkg run via wpkgservice tries
 to deinstall wpkg_client (if there are "remove" cmds in), and the
domain startup script (if it comes later) reinstalls wpkg client again.

Good luck,
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