Hello All,

I seem to have a very strange error that occurs across many package groups. Wpkg detects older versions of the programs as installed. For instance it detects thundrbird 8 with tb 9.0.1 is installed. So it attempts to install 9.0.1 again. It also detects java 6u25 when 6u30 is installed and flash when is installed. Is there some basic concept I'm missing here? I have cut and pasted (freshly so I am sure there there are no modifications) the wpgk.xml code from the web site and I get the same old detections. I have verified in the softare itself that is up to date. wpkg installed all the updates, they were not done manually. I am using wpkg 1.3.0.

Anyone know what is going on?


Charlie Page
Core Business Services - Your Business Technology Partner

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