
With Windows 7 32bit sp1, I have zombie state with firefox 6.02, an idea ? (no problem with Windows XP)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    name="Mozilla Firefox"

<variable name="version" value="6.0.2" />
<variable name="architecture" value="x86" />
<variable name="locale" value="fr" />
<variable architecture="x86" name="ProgFiles" value="%PROGRAMFILES%" />
<variable architecture="x64" name="ProgFiles" value="%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" />

<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Mozilla Firefox %version% (%architecture% %locale%)" />

<install cmd="taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe"><exit code="any" /></install>
<install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\firefox\Firefox Setup %version%.exe" -ms' />

<upgrade include ="install" />

<remove cmd="taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe"><exit code="any" /></remove>
<remove cmd='"%ProgFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe" -ms'></remove>

2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Going to install package 'Mozilla Firefox' (firefox602), Revision 9, (execute flag is '', notify flag is 'true'). 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Package 'Mozilla Firefox' (firefox602): Not yet processed during this session.
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Comparing version: '9' <=> '9'.
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Checking existence of package: Mozilla Firefox 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Reading variables from package 'Mozilla Firefox'. 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Host attribute 'architecture' with value 'x86' matches expression 'x86'. 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : XML node with special host attribute match found: architecture=x86 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Host attribute 'architecture' with value 'x86' does not match expression 'x64'. 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : No value of 'architecture' matched 'x64'. Skipping to next definition. 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Could not match all attributes of XML node to current host. Skipping to next definition.
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Got variable 'version' of value '6.0.2'
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Got variable 'architecture' of value 'x86'
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Got variable 'locale' of value 'fr'
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Got variable 'ProgFiles' of value '%PROGRAMFILES%'
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Reading variables from profile[s]
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Getting profiles which apply to this node.
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Reading variables from profile test
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Reading variables from hosts[s]
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Uninstall entry 'Mozilla Firefox 6.0.2 (x86 fr)' matches string 'Mozilla Firefox 6.0.2 (x86 fr)'. 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Uninstall entry for Mozilla Firefox %version% (%architecture% %locale%) was found: test successful. 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Saving unsorted settings to 'C:\Windows\System32\wpkg.xml'.
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Saving XML : C:\Windows\System32\wpkg.xml
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Package 'Mozilla Firefox' (firefox602): Already installed.
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Removing package 'firefox602'.
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Package 'Mozilla Firefox' (firefox602): Not yet processed during this session. 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Removal of depending packages for 'Mozilla Firefox' (firefox602) successfully finished.
2012-04-04 11:08:46, INFO    : Removing Mozilla Firefox (firefox602)...
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Reading variables from package 'Mozilla Firefox'. 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Host attribute 'architecture' with value 'x86' matches expression 'x86'. 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : XML node with special host attribute match found: architecture=x86 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Host attribute 'architecture' with value 'x86' does not match expression 'x64'. 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : No value of 'architecture' matched 'x64'. Skipping to next definition. 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Could not match all attributes of XML node to current host. Skipping to next definition.
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Got variable 'version' of value '6.0.2'
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Got variable 'architecture' of value 'x86'
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Got variable 'locale' of value 'fr'
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Got variable 'ProgFiles' of value '%PROGRAMFILES%'
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Reading variables from profile[s]
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG   : Reading variables from hosts[s]
2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Found language definition node for language ID 40c 2012-04-04 11:08:46, INFO : User notification suppressed. Message: WPKG, l'utilitaire d'installation automatique des programmes a appliqué ou applique en ce moment des mises à jour à votre système. Veuillez consulter l'heure au début de ce message afin de vérifier que cette information ne soit pas obsolète. Veuillez sauvegarder tous vos documents ouverts, car un redémarrage peut être nécessaire et, dans ce cas, le système redémarrera sans avertissement à la fin de l'installation ou de la mise à jour. Merci. 2012-04-04 11:08:46, DEBUG : Executing command: 'taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe'.
2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG   : Command returned result: 0
2012-04-04 11:08:47, INFO : Command 'taskkill /F /IM Firefox.exe' returned exit code [0]. This exit code indicates success. 2012-04-04 11:08:47, INFO : Command in removal of Mozilla Firefox returned exit code [0]. This exit code indicates success. 2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG : Executing command: '"%ProgFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe" -ms' ('"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe" -ms').
2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG   : Command returned result: 0
2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG : Command in removal of Mozilla Firefox returned exit code [0]. Success.
2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG   : Restoring previous environment.
2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG : Checking existence of package: Mozilla Firefox 2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG : Reading variables from package 'Mozilla Firefox'. 2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG : Host attribute 'architecture' with value 'x86' matches expression 'x86'. 2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG : XML node with special host attribute match found: architecture=x86 2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG : Host attribute 'architecture' with value 'x86' does not match expression 'x64'. 2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG : No value of 'architecture' matched 'x64'. Skipping to next definition. 2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG : Could not match all attributes of XML node to current host. Skipping to next definition.
2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG   : Got variable 'version' of value '6.0.2'
2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG   : Got variable 'architecture' of value 'x86'
2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG   : Got variable 'locale' of value 'fr'
2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG : Got variable 'ProgFiles' of value '%PROGRAMFILES%'
2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG   : Reading variables from profile[s]
2012-04-04 11:08:47, DEBUG   : Reading variables from hosts[s]
2012-04-04 11:08:48, DEBUG : Uninstall entry 'Mozilla Firefox 6.0.2 (x86 fr)' matches string 'Mozilla Firefox 6.0.2 (x86 fr)'. 2012-04-04 11:08:48, DEBUG : Uninstall entry for Mozilla Firefox %version% (%architecture% %locale%) was found: test successful. 2012-04-04 11:08:48, DEBUG : Searching for previously executed checks with attributes type='uninstall', condition='exists', path='Mozilla Firefox %version% (%architecture% %locale%)'
2012-04-04 11:08:48, DEBUG   : Found 1 previously executed checks.
2012-04-04 11:08:48, DEBUG : Replacing check results of previous evaluation 2012-04-04 11:08:48, DEBUG : Saving unsorted settings to 'C:\Windows\System32\wpkg.xml'.
2012-04-04 11:08:48, DEBUG   : Saving XML : C:\Windows\System32\wpkg.xml
2012-04-04 11:08:48, DEBUG   : Checking firefox602 zombie state.
2012-04-04 11:08:48, ERROR : Could not process (remove) Mozilla Firefox.|Package still installed.

 Bruno CHOQUET, responsable du service informatique de l'IUT d'Alençon.
correspondant informatique du site universitaire d'Alençon.
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