Am 02.07.2012 13:47, schrieb Rainer Meier:

Actually I recommend creating the clone image before even running WPKG
for the first time. Including software in a clone image is bad from my
point of view because the software will likely need update anyway when
the clone image is used. So your image will include a bunch of already
outdated software which will be replaced by WPKG on first run.

I have the same opinion like Rainer, where an image should only contain the O/S and some "heavy" software, like CAx applications or others with a long release cycle.

Including short release cycle applications like Firefox in an image would just force the need to do an update anyways.

I haven't had any incidence where I would have needed to fully install a machine within half an hour during my career.

Stefan P.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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A: Top-posting.
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