Am 06.07.2012 15:48, schrieb Cedric Frayssinet:

Solution of Daniel works for this application.


As an alternative you may like to check the solution below.

'---code start (watch for line wraps)

<package id="NotepadPlusPlus" name="Notepad++" revision="%PKG_VERSION%" reboot="false" priority="30">
    <variable name="PKG_NAME"        value="NotepadPlusPlus" />
    <variable name="PKG_VERSION"     value="6.1.4" />
<variable name="PKG_DESTINATION" value="%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++" architecture="x86"/> <variable name="PKG_DESTINATION" value="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++" architecture="x64"/>

<check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="Notepad++" value="%PKG_VERSION%" />

        <!-- remove plug-in's to prevent installer hang -->
<command type="shared" cmd='%ComSpec% /c if exist "%PKG_DESTINATION%\plugins" for %F in ( "%PKG_DESTINATION%\plugins\*.dll" ) do @del /f /q "%~F"' />

        <command type="install" include="shared" />
<command type="install" cmd="%SOFTWARE%\Notepad-plus-plus\npp.%PKG_VERSION%.Installer.exe /S" />

        <command type="upgrade" include="install" />

        <command type="remove" include="shared" />
<command type="remove" cmd='"%PKG_DESTINATION%\uninstall.exe" /S _?=%PKG_DESTINATION%' /> <command type="remove" cmd='%ComSpec% /C if exist "%PKG_DESTINATION%\uninstall.exe" del /f /q "%PKG_DESTINATION%\uninstall.exe"' /> <command type="remove" cmd='%ComSpec% /C if exist "%PKG_DESTINATION%" rmdir /q /s "%PKG_DESTINATION%"' />

'---code end

Stefan P.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

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