Am 08.08.2012 13:45, schrieb Steve Kersley:
I’m not sure if there is a bug in the way that manual package
installation is handled (unless it’s by design?), or more likely I have
made a mistake in my package? A packages installed as a dependency to a
package that is installed manually wants to uninstall itself again on
next synchronization.

For instance: I have a package, vc-runtime-2005, to install the MS VC++
runtimes which depends on both the x86 and x64 packages (I felt it was
more elegant to do it this way than one package which contains combined
checks for both architectures, if applicable, and installed both if
either check fails):

[Originally the check, install, remove and upgrade statements weren’t
here – I added these to ensure that the problem wasn’t being caused by
wpkg not being able to tell if this parent package had installed
successfully, see final paragraph below]

<package id="vc-runtime-2005" name="Visual C++ 2005 Runtime"
revision="8" reboot="false" priority="10">

                 <depends package-id="vc-runtime-2005-x86" />

                 <depends package-id="vc-runtime-2005-x64"
architecture="x64" />


I usually use such a technique too and have never encountered a failure.

I would only include the 64-bit runtime files, since they aren't valid for 32-bit Windows:

<package id="vc-runtime-2005" name="Visual C++ 2005 Runtime"
         revision="8" reboot="false" priority="10">

    <depends package-id="vc-runtime-2005-x86" />
    <include package-id="vc-runtime-2005-x64" architecture="x64" />

I think a dependence is only valid, if it is always needed.
If it is only valid for a certain number of clients, then it is better to have an include.

This is just my personal opinion, so Rainer might have a better description.

Stefan P.

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