Hi Stefan,

On 28.08.2012 15:51, Stefan Pendl wrote:
Am 28.08.2012 15:44, schrieb jurgen.depic...@let.be:
I think he used something like the code below.
One could as well check the installed IE release.

'---code start (watch for line wraps)

<profile id='CommonTools'>
    <package package-id='Foxit'>
          <check type="logical" condition="not">
             <check type="host" condition="os" value="6\.2\.\d{4}" />
    <!-- all your 30packages -->

'---code end

This is what I meant for conditional package inclusion in my response to Jürgen. But actually I did go an even easier way to have an independent profile for W8 nodes. This gives me full flexibility to assign any package independently to Windows 8.

But for sure your example might just work just as fine as an independent profile - it's just a bit harder to read what packages really get applied if you have many such conditions in the profile definition.

And yes, I think it would make more sense to check for installed IE version as IE10 is likely offered for Windows 7 later as well and perhaps it's going to include Flash as well - so also for Windows 7 the standalone installer should disappear when IE10 is deployed.

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