Am 29.08.2012 13:41, schrieb Malte Hohmann:
To be a bit more precise: I have a package "OracleInstantClient" which
sets the environment variable ORACLE_HOME using setx.exe utility with
parameter "-m" (system-wide). This works great. Now I have a second
package which depends on OracleInstantClient. In this second package I
need to read the new value of ORACLE_HOME which was set during
installation of OracleInstantClient, but referecing to %ORACLE_HOME%
here does not work. So it would be great if WPKG could re-create the
whole environment variables from scratch on every new package. Maybe
reading from HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session
Manager\Environment would do...
However, this could also be achieved by assigning a variable the content
of a registry key ;o)

I think the problem here is that setx.exe doesn't notify the system of the change, so cscript.exe doesn't update the process environment.

May be cscript.exe doesn't support updating the process environment at all, so wpkg.js must be made aware of that change internally.


The OPs question could be solved by a DOS command script using "REG QUERY" to read the registry and "FOR /F" to parse the output.

Stefan P.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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