Am 29.08.2012 22:25, schrieb

It might be enough to post the package for further help.

Here is the package :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <package id='pgina' name='pGina' revision='%version%' priority='0' 
reboot='false' >
                 <variable name="version" value="" />

        <include package-id="msdotnetfx4" />
        <include package-id="msvisualcpp2010" />

                 <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\pgina\pGinaSetup-%version%.exe /silent' 
                <install cmd='cmd /C copy %SOFTWARE%\pgina\pgina.reg 
"%PROGRAMFILES%\pgina\pgina.reg" /Y' />
                <install cmd='regedit /s "%PROGRAMFILES%\pgina\pgina.reg"' />

                 <upgrade cmd='%SOFTWARE%\pgina\pGinaSetup-%version%.exe /Silent' 
                <upgrade cmd='regedit /s %SOFTWARE\pgina\pgina.reg' />

                <remove cmd='%PROGRAMFILES%\pgina\unins000.exe' />


The package doesn't include any <check /> nodes, so there is nothing to check and the package will be installed on each run.

I would at least check the uninstall entry to make sure the package is installed.

Another way would be to use the package attribute >>execute="once"<<, but that wouldn't check if the package is installed properly, it would just make sure that the installation is not executed at each run.

I recommend to include something like:

<check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal"
       path="pgina"     value="%version%" />

Where path would be the DisplayName value of the pGina uninstall registry key and value would be the DisplayVersion.

Stefan P.

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