Hi Tomasz,

it would be nice to have a more recent version of WPKG published at http://sourceforge.net/projects/wpkg/ , since currently users download the very outdated version 0.9.10 of wpkg.

Sure it would be cumbersome to keep multiple download sites in sync, so removing the files from SF.net would be an option too.

I know that Rainer uses SF.net for the SVN repository, which I have checked out, so keeping wpkg at one place would make sense.

I really see no reason to not use the files area of the SF.net project for distribution of wpkg. The download could be linked to directly from http://wpkg.org/Download using http://downloads.sourceforge.net/wpkg/wpkg-1.3.0-bin.zip for instance.

Just a thought about using existing resources efficiently ;-)

Stefan P.

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