Am 13.09.2012 00:04, schrieb Carlos R. Pasqualini:
El mar, 11-09-2012 a las 16:04 +0200, Marco Gaiarin escribió:
+ WPKG-GP have notification messages, but only on startup (and my
   experience say me that doing installation on startup is a pain).

i have not found any other way to reliably install software on Win7
without WPKG-GP (yes, on startup...)

can we talk of WPKG-GP specific problems in this list?

I'm having some trouble with WPKG-GP + Win7 because it tries to start
before the computer have access to the network.

The official support group for WPKG-GP is at!forum/wpkg-gp

There you will find a solution to your problem being posted just this week.

Stefan P.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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