
We've been happily installing Office 2010 on Windows 7 for some time now. 
Unfortunately against my better judgment we need to install it on 30 or so 
Windows XP machines. I'm using the same package file, but with a new customised 
msp adminfile however the %comspec% /C start "" /WAIT fails to halt the 
progression of WPKG so the Office installer runs in parallel with other 
installs and obviously fails to install. 

When I run WPKG manually from the command line I can see that the Office splash 
screen is spawned and the silent (ha!) installation occurs. My solution has 
been to set it as priority=0 so that it installs last without the possibility 
of interference. 

IS this a Windows XP issues that it doesn't honor the start /wait option? 

Cheers Jon 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<package id="xpOffice2010" 
name="OBI Microsoft Office 2010" 
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Microsoft Office Standard 
2010" /> 
<install cmd='%comspec% /C start "" /WAIT 
"%SOFTWARE%\office\Office2010-MAK-SP1\setup.exe" /adminfile 
"%SOFTWARE%\office\obi.MSP"' > 
<exit code="1641" /> 
<exit code="3010" /> 
<install cmd='"%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cscript" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
Office\Office14\OSPP.VBS" /act'/> 

<upgrade include="install" /> 

Jon Rhoades 
Research Information Systems 
Eastern Hill Academic Centre 
(Incorporating The University of Melbourne Departments of Medicine, Surgery and 
Clinical School (St.Vincent's), St Vincent's Institute and O'Brien Institute) 

St Vincent's Institute 
9 Princes St Fitzroy Vic 3065 
p: 03 9288 2480 | x: 2399 | f: 03 9416 2676 


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