I am trying to push out adblock plus for our users to use in firefox. However I 
have two problems:

1. Version 1.3.10 will install just fine but when I change the version to 2.1.2 
it just hangs the wpkg window. I have to CTRL+C to get it to go to the next 
thing. (NOTE: I am testing this in a cmd prompt as Administrator on a windows 7 
machine using the command cscript \\servername\wpkg\wpkg.js /synchronize)

2. Is there any way with the latest Firefox (16.0.1) to auto enable addons? Or 
will my users have to click enable on them? I see that the behaviour changed in 
FF8 to make users click enable by default but is there a policy I can push with 
my mozilla.cfg to make this automatic?


Donny B.
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