Le 27/11/2012 12:00, wpkg-users-requ...@lists.wpkg.org a écrit :
Hello Florent,
>>>  I have a problem with deployment of prism pack packages using WPKG
>>>  In WPKG interface for each packages I have this package actions :
>>>  \wpkg\ptclient\PTClient.exe /IP \\wpkg\xp\my_package.pwc
>>>  But all the packages, starting at the same time !
>>>  Is there solution wait until the installation of that package is
>>>  complete before moving on to the next one ?
>>  perhaps you might use:
>>     cmd /c start /wait ptclient.exe ...
>>  Best regards,
>>  Falko
>>  ------------------------------
>  Hi,
>  I try this but it didn't work.:(
So please provide more info, which Wpkg/client versions do you use,
contents of the xml file of this package, full debug log from
session there the failure occurs.

Best regards,
After search this problem doesn't product with msi.
I think the problem come to prism package.
So I will send xml and debug log.

Florent LAGODA<florent.lagoda at uhb.fr>
Pôle Proximité
Direction du Système d'Information (D.S.I)
Université Rennes 2 - Haute Bretagne

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