my trunk, my hand, my broken hooves
my head, my shaggy mane

my trunk is wedded to a loam
(via oscillating and molten pyrex beaks)
in which sky-blue livers sing.

my hand will enter the word
as the platypus will enter
the steel bladder of the
shattering apsidiole.

my broken hooves are conjoined
(via rubberized antoinettes)
to a hobby-horse whose
complexion of treacle is a beach
of naked and foetal mammoths.

my head will enter the song
as the hydra will enter
the communal bath-house
whose walls are intestinal stones
lined with vomiting birdcages.

my shaggy mane is communicating
(via hybrid polios)
to a fecal temenos whose diamond-
lined senator molluscs breathe
heavily through green louvred
esemplastic jewelry throats.

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