ASCII permutations of a short range of square Chladni plates.

here are some the original drawings Chladni did.

The basic experiment that is given the name "Chladni" consists of a plate or 
drum of some shape, possibly constrained at
the edges or at a point in the center, and forced to vibrate historically with 
a violin bow or more recently with a
speaker. A fine sand or powder is sprinkled on the surface and it is allowed to 
settle. It will do so at those parts of
the surface that are not vibrating, namely at the nodes of vibration.

The equation for the zeros of the standing wave on a square Chladni plate (side 
length L) constrained at the center is
given by the following.

cos(n pi x / L) cos(m pi y / L) - cos(m pi x / L) cos(n pi y / L) = 0
where n and m are integers. The Chladni patterns for n,m between 1 and 5 are 
shown in the ASCII animation.

Some Further background:

Ernest Florens Friedrich Chladni (1756 - 1827) performed many experiments to 
study the nodes of vibration of circular
and square plates, generally fixed in the center and driven with a violin bow. 
The modes of vibration were identified by
scattering salt or sand on the plate, these small particles end up in the 
places of zero vibration. Ernst Chladni first
demonstrated this at the French Academy of Science in 1808, it caused such 
interest that the Emperor offered a kilogram
of gold to the first person who could explain the patterns.

The Wikipedia Entry:

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