Yes, ghastly is exactly it. The horror of one atomic bomb triggering a response in kind, and then another and another. . . until we reach total black annihilation of the planet, was exactly the vision that played in my head last night.


On Jul 2, 2005, at 10:10 AM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

this is so strong and ghastly, we're used to seeing these clouds, we're teetering on the bring of the nuclear again, bush has ordered the production of plutonium again. i pray every day for his death; he's a killer who continues to kill. -= alan

On Sat, 2 Jul 2005, mwp wrote:

The movie of my dreams

Faithful recreation of a movie that began playing in my head last night while asleep.

(Isn’t the internet amazing? I can dispatch a dream to the front lines within hours of its being conceived!)


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