Thanks, Lanny! You nailed it with your usual googlesyllabic excellence.
Words are as much found object and cultural capital as images. Jenny H
just applied Duchamp to words.

(What's with the R at the end of your name, recently?)


On Jul 18, 2005, at 5:43 PM, Lanny R. wrote:

I have seen a large room done by Holzer at the DMA but none of the
outdoor or in situ public works. She was an inspiration when I was
a 19yr old college student studying video and computer art in the 80's
on the Amiga at UTA in Arlington. We all liked to do little text
scrolling pieces which were take-offs of her sign work.

the piece itself is an essay in the material transduction of
language within the domain of culture-as-code. through this
kind of gesture mark is able to realize pierce's indexicality
or thirdness, of language. by grounding the mechanics of
referentiality within the instrumentality of code, we are able
to not only grasp concretely the materiality of language but
the pervasive cultural paradigms which haunt our every thought
once it has become externalized and entered into the eternal
circulation of images which has become capitalism's informatic schitzo-
polis. I thinks its an excellent little bit of conceptual formalism.
very "cleanly" cut parameters, as usual w/ mark.


considering the public spaces that holtzer's truisms occup(y)ied, the
pop nature of these images is very rich. family dog, family photo
internet porn, video games . . .

what's there not to get? input processed to output. an equation


On 7/18/05, Joel Weishaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't get this.
But then, I never got Jenny Holtzer either.


----- Original Message -----
From: "mwp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 3:30 PM
Subject: Rebus 01

Rebus 01

Words are replaced with the first image that appears in Alltheweb's
image search. If a word appears more than once, the next image in
list is selected so that there is no repetition of images.

For this initial experiment, I borrow one of Jenny Holzer's most
Truisms, to see what comes out:



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