this is fascinating material - the Korean-influenced English as well -

At 03:32 PM 8/7/2005 +0900, you wrote:
sorry I have mistake
this is my mail's below
                                                TIMELESS AGE


  SCENES PRESENTED : Scene #1. An ordinary bird hovers high ordinarily. It drops its feathers off one by one. The ordinary bird's center of mass is located in the inmost recess of its intestine./ Scene #2. An ordinary bird folds its wings but it keeps hovering high ordinarily. / Scene 3. Three animals of different kinds are dragged by transparent ropes around their body. Each one of the species are not mentioned. 'Present' is a word that cannot be defined.  

 CHARACTERISTICS PRESENTED : Enormous / Anti-combative, Free from struggle / Familiar

 SOUNDS PRESENTED : A Sound of regular beats and irregular tones / A Consecutive Sound  that fades out but never fades off / A Sound free from tones and beats and volumes / An extremely high tone and an extremely low tone, an extremely loud tone and extremely small tone are repeated over and over, with regular beats. (being in or out of sequence is not important: most of existences are afraid as they do not know if it wound go to extreme or not.)

 THINGS PRESENTED THAT ACT OR DON'T ACT : Presences wandering from here to there / Goat Blowing its nose / African Elephant taking Pleasure in a scuffle / Flying Quadruped Antelope / Sexual pervert without sexual desire / A kind of echinoderm that reproduce not by sexual reproduction nor by asexual reproduction / A standstill ant / A Seal that is decolorized when contact with water / Teeth-collectors / Several things that moves without sound / Living things that doesn't breathe / Talented poet without any knowledge / An opposite person who produces no conflict / A mathematician who criticizes the talented poet severely / Obeyers of the Talented poet / A mathematician disregarding the obeyers / Group of birds


OBJECTS PRESENTED : An Encyclopedia without any words on it / A single letter that can't make sound / An object that cannot be grabbed / Dead body of horned Aristoteles / Molecular structure that cannot be cut / Paella that cannot be fed with

PAINS PRESENTED : Pain 1 / Pain 2 / Pain 3

THINGS THAT ARE LEFT : And others #1)

  Annotation appears #1 : The number of things appears later is even bigger than the number of all the things which appear in Timeless Age, except the others. (The number of things appears later can be infinite.) But it is much less than the number of things appears throughout the entire time. The reason  I used 'the others' in this paragraph is, that I could not express the whole view of 'Timeless Universe' in the limited space.



 to be continue in

Dr. John M. Bennett     
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

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