for three weeks from tonight i'll be out of touch, i've been sending emails to people to let them know. but is it necessary? one of my colleagues replied 'sweetheart, for the last thirty eight years you've been mostly out of touch, so why bother letting people know about these three weeks? any one who knows you doesn't need telling.'
i wasn't sure how to take this. is it funny? am i really so vague? ah well. i've been reading the mails and wanting to respond to so many over the last couple of months but i don't seem to have anything to say. i'm hoping that three weeks of rest will let my mind wander about a bit and find some new things.
i'm a naturist. i have to go somewhere to be naked other than my house. this always seems a little strange to me, especially on hot days on a beach where nudity is not permitted. i can't understand what protection the little trangles of fabric are affording me? are they protecting someone else from me? perhaps they provide some form of defence? someone once suggested that it was a question of having some dignity, but i don't feel undignified when i'm naked, why would i? i drop all these ideas along with the pile of clothes on the floor and walk out into the air, i can feel the harsh fabric of other peoples expectations drifting away from me as i step into the sea and feel the cool water envelop my body, the salt pressing into my pores. i feel stripped and clean, recycled.
i will think of everyone while i'm nakedly absent and out of touch, my love to morrigan especially xx

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