Alex Jorgensen wrote:

An apology. Anyway, nice to read what you wrote.
Incidently, I knew Bob Creeley for about seven years.
Gotta respect someone who reads Creeley, I think - or,
at least, I do.


--- Allen Bramhall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Alex Jorgensen wrote:

dis is wha I been waitin tah-hear

ah, someone who likes their English broken! thanks!

my comment was aimed at myself, because the piece was a major overhaul
of something quite prosaic. Robert Grenier introduced me 3 times to
Creeley at a party afer a reading in Franconia New Hampshire, but
Creeley was too distracted each time. we had our little moment later,
when he was clapping and stomping to make the record player skip, and I
added rhythmic counterpoint. eye to eye, if you will. sincere thanks.


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