This one really hits the mark for me's simply loaded with
little gems!

-Peter Ciccariello

-----Original Message-----
From: Sheila Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent:         Tue, 18 Oct 2005 09:40:30 -0700
Subject: on having the tenacity to over-reach my margins

 benefits glengarry themselves beamward
I'm occasionally sliced from corded life
so was she ever really there
and if now is the anchor how is
stippling supposed to decorate
the maze of jeer I cannot occupy
I cannot bear to wean myself
despite the substitute
despite impersonating younger self
despite no spite with warming feathering
my psyche's permanently in-condition
strategy innate as perfumed summer
when the lake haze modifies exquisite
pungent sun upon my already warm
to lifelong back where spine meets
my beside-ways twin in life each night

sheila e. murphy

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