slug wind slug wind slug wind slug wind slug wind slug wind slug wind slug wind slug wind slug wind slug wind slug!


At 11:43 PM 1/5/2006, you wrote:
Lily dimple

Slug shadow dim wind tore wisps wet
shadow dim wind tore wisps wet
dim wind tore wisps wet slug
wind tore wisps wet slug shadow dim
tore wisps wet slug shadow
wisps wet slug shadow
wet slug shadow dim wind tore wisps

slug dim wisps tore wind wet shadow
dim wet slug tore shadow wind wisps
wet dim slug wisp's wind tore shadow
wind torn shadow slug wet wisps' din
wind dim shadow slug wet wisps torn
dim shadow slug tore wind wet wisps

wet slug shadow dim wind tore wisps

ah, shadow dim wind tore wisps
dim wind tore wisps wet
wind tore wisp's wet slug
tore wisps' wet slug's shadow
tore wisps wet slug shadow dim
tore wet slug shadow dim wind
tore slug meadow dim wind torn

dim wind tore wisp's wispy wet slug meadow
wind tore wisps wet slug meadow
tore wisps wet slug meadow
wisps wet slug meadow
wet slug meadow
wisps slug meadow
wisps meadow

dim wind tore wisps wet slug meadow
tore wisps wet slug's meadow's wind
wisps wet slug meadow torn
wisps wet slug meadow
wisps wet slug meadow worn
torn meadow slag

wet wisps tore wind dim shadow slug wet
wisps tore wind dim shadow slug wisps
wind torn wind tore dim shadow slug tears
wind dim shadow slug wind
dim shadow slug dim winding wind
shadow slug
lung slung

wisps tore wind dim shadow slug wet
tore wind dim shadow slug wet
tore wind dim shadow slug wet
tore dim wind shadow slug wet
tore shadow dim wind slug wet
tore slug wet dim wind shadow
torn wet

torn slug wet

shadow slug

slag heap slug torrent

slug shadow dim wind tore wisps wet
tore wet shadow dim wind wisps wet
tore wet dim wind wisps wet
tore wet wind tore wisps wet
tore wet tore wisps wet
tore wet wisps wet
tore wet

--Bob BrueckL
after John M. Bennett's "Temple" & "Hill"

Dr. John M. Bennett     
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

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