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Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 19:17:48 +0000
From: lists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Cyberculture <cyberculture@zacha.org>
Subject: [CC] Rerelease of two net.art works by Garrett Lynch

Announcing the rerelease of two net.art works by Garrett Lynch:


Things to Forget

A Brief history of ideas and their documentation

Prior to the invention of the printing press, ideas were embodied in
stories passed from generation to generation because of the lack or
inadequacy of permanent formats.  Due to this they could and often did
change, distort or evolve over time.  With the introduction of printing
it was possible to mass produce the representation of ideas (often
mis-interpreted as the mass production of ideas).  This created a
complete shift in documentation.  Now if there were enough documented
copies of an idea in circulation the idea became eternal,
industructable, culminating in such extremes as the 'power of the
press'.  The arrival of the electronic age has further popularised this
theory since reproduction can now take a fraction of a second in the
form of copying and pasting, saving or batching files.  Yet from one
extreme to the other, ideas are now hard to discern or even lost within
the amount of information that exists.

Visualising or noting any mental process, feelings, sentiments,
emotions, memories, thoughts, ideas or concepts in a sense makes them
physical.  It externalises them, preserves them so that they can be
recalled to memory and developed at a later date.  By making the
illusive physical however, it also makes it more vunerable.  The
representation can be physically destroyed, discarded or lost.  If you
destroy all representations of an idea, do you destroy the idea, or
does it continue to exist for as long as someone can recall it

Project Concept

Things to Forget is a work presented within the now familiar construct
of an application that you purchase/download from the internet.  It
uses known computer metaphors such as the desktop notes or "Stickies"
created for the Macintosh (OS 7.5+), the closing of windows without
saving causing save prompts, downloads, readme files, licence
agreements and of course deleting a file via the wastebasket, to
construe a faux application and process wherein the purpose is not to
create but to destroy.

The process is fundamental in the work.  It is a means of giving
unwanted ideas substance, virtual substance representing them as
computer files/documents.  This creates an analogy between ideas and
computer data as both being very real yet intangible things.  When an
idea is transformed into a file or document it becomes bound up within
the computers own system of codification, constructs and patterns, and
so like every other representation of an idea, is simply that, a
representation.  Platonic philosophy holds that all existing things are
imperfect representations, yet here this premise poses several

How do we define what is an ?existing thing? since a computer file
lacks many of the qualities which we classically associate with
?existing things??  Does it have to be tangible?  It has after all no
dimensions, no texture, no physicality.  When you destroy a file on a
computer what are you destroying?  There is no physical evidence of
destruction, yet like forgetting a memory, something is lost.  Does
this mean that a computer file/document is the perfect representation
or better still the idea itself?

The idea in your head is also bound up in its own system of
codification, a product of chemicals, electrical pulses etc so how is
that any less of a representation than a computer file/document?  Is
this unique codification in fact an inherent quality of each persons
ideas and what makes the ideas themselves unique and not simply a
recombination of other ideas to a different end?  If this is so for
people, does it hold true for computers?  When an idea is transfered to
a computer does the idea become the computers idea since the computers
codification becomes essential to the file/document?  By destroying a
computer file/document are you destroying an idea and is this idea
yours or your computers?  What sort of special relationship do we have
with our computers, is there a sort of shared memory between user and
computer?  When your computer crashes is this a sort of memory loss
similar to human memory loss?

Things to Forget proposes a system of deleting any mental process,
feelings, sentiments, emotions, memories, thoughts, ideas or concepts
for our throw away culture.  They can be visualised, they can be
deleted, but are they forgotten and who?s intellectual property do they
become in the process?


The irrepairable damage of self-realisation communicated to another

Initially conceived for the Digital Pocket Gallery
(http://www.ikatun.com/digitalpocketgallery/) The irrepairable damage
of self-realisation communicated to another is a conceptual net.art
work of small proportions.

The work shows a timer counting up.  A visualisation of time shown
coldly, factually.  The ageing process / passage of time is that of my
first computer and initial foray into new media while simultaneously
reminding the user observing the work of the passage of time for them.

The work is both identity in virtual space by assuming the role of the
artist and functions as a commemoration, a monument to their arrival in
this new land.  It marks the passage from the real to the virtual and
their shared inescapable reality of time as something undeniable.  It
is the realisation of time and ones own age, counting up and past the
year 2000 when many counters were counting down.



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