I understand why you feel this way.  Still, after a moment of compassion for the man who had a heart attack today because of Cheney's misfire, we could look at this incident as symbolic of the whole Iraq mess and be reminded of it by Cheney shooting the wrong man.  In short, we or our government, I should say, are fighting the wrong war and many thousands of persons have been killed or hurt accidentally just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Halvard Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What I Hate

about Harry Whittington is that by putting himself into
Vice President Dick Cheney's line of fire, he has distracted
many of us from the Winter Olympics, which, in turn, have
distracted us from the Global War on Terror and the shameful
response of the Bush Administration to Katrina, both of which
the! mselves distracted us from our losing war efforts in Iraq,
which have had the effect of distracting us from our pain over
the 9/11 attacks, which (thank God, some would say) distracted us
from the collapse of Enron, the possible (no, probable) involvement
in that (not to mention the betrayal of Joe Wilson's wife) of the
Administration, which we, distracted by porn, pro football, baseball,
basketball and pay-per-view TV, allowed to come into power
by not voting in sufficient numbers to soundly defeat them
or coming to grips with what really concerns us,
whatever that happens to be.


Halvard Johnson

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