la  M  al
John M. Bennett
My new book of poetry and vispo, published in a beautiful edition by Blue Lion Books (Espoo, Finland & West Hartford, Connecticut), 2006
265 pp.  ISBN 952-99632-3-8

burn chime, bleeder than your blood outside my
faucet was your candor foam, time ‘n natter frying
in the face of or condition aimed grossly through
the s lumber where you thought was headache-city,
wind and mice climb the wall oh nighty foot heave
my number-leaf, you and striker, me and//mounds of
froth, a dampness. blind rafters, mumbling in the
attic “roof” out there, mud beyond my head (dim
key-I, lapping
la  M  al   is published in a print-on-demand edition by
Blue Lion Books and is available through CafePress at
Cover design by Jukka-Pekka Kervinen and text design by Peter Ganick.
Blue Lion Books has published books by Jim Leftwich, Scott MacLeod, Peter Ganick, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, Kevin Magee, J. Hayes Hurley, with others forthcoming.  Visit their website for catalog and submission info:
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yr rain show
John M. Bennett   -

Dr. John M. Bennett     
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

  • NEW BOOK John M. Bennett
    • New book John M. Bennett

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