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Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 11:40:35 -0800
From: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fast-Talking NASA Spacecraft Starts Final Approach to Mars

PASADENA, CALIF. 91109 TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011

Guy Webster (818)354-6278
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown (202)358-1726
Merrilee Fellows (818)393-0754
NASA Headquarters, Washington

News Release: 2006-032                 March 8, 2006

Fast-Talking NASA Spacecraft Starts Final Approach to Mars

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has begun its final approach to the red 
planet after activating a
sequence of commands designed to get the spacecraft successfully into orbit.

The sequence began Tuesday and will culminate with firing the craft's main 
thrusters for about 27
minutes on Friday -- a foot on the brakes to reduce velocity by about 20 
percent as the spacecraft
swings around Mars at about 5,000 meters per second (about 11,000 miles per 
hour). Mission
controllers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., and Lockheed 
Martin Space
Systems, Denver, are monitoring the events closely.

"We have been preparing for years for the critical events the spacecraft must 
execute on Friday," said
JPL's Jim Graf, project manager.  "By all indications, we're in great shape to 
succeed, but Mars has
taught us never to get overconfident. Two of the last four orbiters NASA sent 
to Mars did not survive
final approach."

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter will build upon discoveries by five successful 
robots currently active at
Mars: NASA rovers Spirit and Opportunity, NASA orbiters Mars Global Surveyor 
and Mars
Odyssey, and the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter. It will examine 
Mars' surface,
atmosphere and underground layers in great detail from a low orbit. It will aid 
future missions by
scouting possible landing sites and relaying communications. It will send home 
up to 10 times as
much data per minute as any previous Mars mission.

First, it must get into orbit. The necessary thruster burn will begin shortly 
after 1:24 p.m. Pacific
Time on Friday.  Engineers designed the burn to slow the spacecraft just enough 
for Mars' gravity to
capture it into a very elongated elliptical orbit. A half-year period of more 
than 500 carefully
calculated dips into Mars' atmosphere -- a process called aerobraking -- will 
use friction with the
atmosphere to gradually shrink the orbit to the size and nearly-circular shape 
chosen for most
advantageous use of the six onboard science instruments.

"Our primary science phase won't begin until November, but we'll actually be 
studying the
changeable structure of Mars' atmosphere by sensing the density of the 
atmosphere at different
altitudes each time we fly through it during aerobraking," said JPL's Dr. 
Richard Zurek, project
scientist for the mission.

Additional information about Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is available online at:


The mission is managed by JPL, a division of the California Institute of 
Technology, Pasadena, for
the NASA Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Lockheed Martin Space 
Systems, Denver, is
the prime contractor for the project and built the spacecraft.


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