All right!  I'm on it.  This is excellent.

And I'll do up BrueckL's "Trash Flatulence" in calligraphy for a hanging scroll -


At 11:31 AM 3/9/2006, you wrote:
Ritual "Angering of the Kage (shadows)" in dis/honour of Buchishinabe [old inkpot gangster /g.{od/d}esu/]

Two mermaid purses, any type is fine, but medium seems best, some string
One large stone octopus [preferably white marble]
One large stone ink table, ink stone, and bowl of water,
preferably an attic black medusa bowl (stolen)
One large frame of white sand, a metallic concrete worker's vibrator
A leather sack made from a goat-skin filled with human phoneme bones
A large bird's nest coated with pitch, and other materials to make
it smoke, stink, sparkle, and burn slowly
a 'foetus' made from tofu filled with fish-eyes, fish-eggs, cocaine, human sperm,
whatever seems 'right'..
a fine katana


the monk begins fully clothed in a black robe
chanting the name of his 'microphone' aka ego or 'valve'
(this is seen as trying to wake up a monstrous child, by paradoxically
telling it to sleep) The pauses between words are altered to enact different

tai kumo hoshi {sleep spider star}
tai, kumo hoshi {sleep spider star}
tai kumo, hoshi {sleep spider star}
tai, kumo, hoshi {sleep spider star}

tai is literally sleep, slang for gun, of ethnic korean origin
kumo is literally spider, slang for police
hoshi is literally star, slang for police

repeat until microphone monster child is 'awoken'.
when the child is 'awoken' the monk disrobes
revealing a full body tattoo, of a green furred octopus
sitting atop a pile of skulls which are orange and transparent
like fish eggs, inside each skull is a different syllable
the octopus has a human face and wears a samurai helmet
of polished metal with deer-horns. it is unclear whether
the creature is giving birth to the skulls or is eating them
a flaming black boned skeleton is about to attack the octopus.
the octopus seems unconcerned.

The monk then ties a mermaid purse over his mouth and over his anus
then masturbates, so as to strike a match off his (prepared) cock-head
and light the bird's nest and start grinding some ink-stone.

The rest is up to you...

Dr. John M. Bennett     
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

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